
Monday, March 31, 2014

What are the symptoms of hypertension?

What are the symptoms of hypertension?

Hypertension is dangerous disease which has many complications to the target organ. Target organs in hypertension are very vital organs like brain, heart, and kidneys. The brain is a central regulator in human body. Many synaptics neuron regulates hormone, electrical pathway, and also mood (in limbic system). The heart is a blood pumping machine which delivering oxygen-rich blood to the tissue. The kidneys have many functions like filtering the metabolic waste, regulating PH, regulating blood pressure, and balancing mineral and electrolyte in bloods. These three organs are hypertension target, so you should kept them healthy by preventing hypertension.  

Everybody should aware to this disease and begin get medical check up regularly to measure their blood pressure. Most patients came to the doctor with other complain. Doctors were usually helped by a nurse to measure patient’s vital sign. The nurse reported patient’s vital sign result to doctor and they were examined by the doctor and they just found out that they have high blood pressure beside their chief complain came to clinic.

The symptoms of hypertension

Hypertension is largely a symptomless condition. Only few cases the patients came to doctor with typical complains like headache, neck pain, numbness in extremity, and vertigo. About 80 – 90 % cases of hypertension have no signs and symptoms unless the patients came to emergency department with unconsciousness condition because of the complication of high blood pressure.

The term hypertensive crisis define that systolic blood pressure is larger than 180 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure larger than 110 mm Hg. There may be certain symptoms to look out for including:
  •       Severe headache
  •        Vision problems
  •        Chest pain
  •        Difficulty breathing
  •        Irregular heartbeat
  •        Fatigue or confusion
  •        Blood in the urine
  •        Vertigo
  •       Nausea and vomit

If you find one of the symptoms listed above, you should go to the hospital immediately. Hypertensive crisis need emergency medical treatment. The high blood pressure should be lowered with proper medication. Based on the hypertensive guidelines, lowering blood pressure in hypertensive crisis cases should be done gradually. Doctors may use infusion drugs like clonidine and monitor the patient strictly.

So, the conclusion is hypertension is not always has obvious symptoms and often symptomless. You should check your blood pressure regularly once a month, faster is better.


  1. maggie.danhakl@healthline.comMay 1, 2014 at 8:45 PM


    Healthline recently put together an infograph showcasing heart disease statistics and facts to help someone understand their risk for a heart attack or other heart-related issues. You can see the infograhic here:

    I am writing to you to see if you can help spread awareness about heart disease by sharing this with your followers or including it as a resource on your page:

    Please let me know if you would be interested in helping to raise awareness about heart disease.

    Thank you for your time reviewing. Please let me know if there are any questions I can answer.

    Warm regards,
    Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
    p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

    Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
    660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 | @Healthline | @HealthlineCorp

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  2. thx for sharing, the graphic is very useful for raising awareness about heart disease, so i will write an article containing the graph. I am very interested in helping to raise awareness about heart disease
