
Friday, March 28, 2014

6 ways to prevent heart disease

There are many ways you can do to prevent heart disease. People who have never been  affected by heart disease should prevent as early as possible to maintain a healthy heart.  But, people who have already had a heart attack, many ways you can do that will not come back again.
How to maintain a healthy heart :

6 ways to prevent heart disease

1. Lowering cholesterol

A good diet can lowering 10 – 20% your cholesterol level. But if you will lower it more,  you can consult to your doctor. Your doctor may give the prescribing of statin or fibrat medicines.

2. Correct dietary menu

Altering the types of food menu which you consume every day is not easy. But it is important to reduce the risk of recurrence of heart attack. Some ways to eat healthy such as:
·         Do not eat much fat in your food
·         Change the animal fat and milk with vegetable oil.
·         Eat at least five servings of fruit and fresh vegetable a day
·         Continue your diet to maintain good body mass
·         Eat fiber-rich foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, and cereal for breakfast

      3. Stop smoking
You have to stop smoking totally. If you only reduce the amount of the cigarette or change the kind, the risk is same with smoking a pack per day.
stop smoking is way to prevent heart disease

      4.  Avoid stress
Stress has a major role in the occurrence the heart attack. Based on experiences, many people have a chest pain after angry or frustration.
      5. Stop consuming alcohol
Alcohol has bad impact to your health. Many organ damaged caused by alcohol intoxication or which consumed continuously. Stop consuming alcohol can lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, or liver malfunction.
      6. Exercise regularly
The study held in America and Europe showed that a regular exercise, thirty minutes two or three times a week, success to lower the risk of heart disease. So you should take the time to get exercise regularly even in your rush activities.

These 6 ways to prevent heart disease are not easy. But you should try them to make your body fit and away from the heart disease

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