
Friday, March 28, 2014

5 habits that damage your heart

5 habits that damage your heart

The heart is a vital organ that indicate the life of human being. When the heart stop beating, as well as human life would cease. Nobody wants to ruin their own heart, however people often do habits that can damage their heart slowly.

Some of the causes of heart disease is inevitable such as genetic or congenital disease. But there are some habits can damage your heart and can be changed in order to maintain a healthy heart. Here are some things that can damage the heart and should be changed

      1.  Too much sitting
You may hear that “Sitting as dangerous as smoking”. This phrase is true. Too much sitting in a day is very bad for health. People who are inactive or doing sedentary lifestyle has twice as likely to have heart disease than people who are more active activity. Too often sitting and lack of exercise can damage the heart slowly. It will raise cardiac risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol. You don’t have to do a kind of sport in a day, just make your body move active every day.

How to change it: do some minor activity. For example, more frequent standing and walking in the office or home, don’t be too much sitting. Do at least 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise every day.

      2.  Ignoring heart disease symptoms
You have to understand heart disease symptoms such as chest discomfort, epigastric pain, shortness of breath, easy fatigue, etc. Don’t ignore these symptoms. You may afraid if you have heart problem. But it would be better to consult and get treatment as soon as possible rather than ignore it and wait for the disease getting worse.
How to change it: If you have symptoms of heart disease, see your doctor immediately and consult. The earlier is better.

      3.  Delaying medical check up
Many people are often put off doing their check up should do regularly. Don’t procrastinate your medical check-up despite you don’t have time. Because what is  at stake is not your money but our own health. So always do a routine check-up to see your overall health.

How to change it: Make appointment with your doctor and do overall check-up. You also make a regular schedule once in three months or once a month is better. Don’t just check the heart but also the others such as blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar level, uric acid, ureum creatinin level, and liver function. If you do medical check-up regularly, you can maintain you health easily because you will more vigilant than usual.

      4.  Excess fat in the abdomen
Everybody knows that being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease, especially if it excess fat in the belly. People who have too much fat in the belly is more likely to have heart disease. The first impact is imbalance lipid and glucose metabolism which disturb insulin production.

How to change it: Do a diet. You can consult to a doctor or a nutritionist to find out the best way to lose weight. Only losing 5 – 10 % of your body weight has been very meaningful to reduce the risk of heart disease.

      5. Smoking
When you smoke a pack of cigarettes every day, unconsciously you  have increased risk of heart disease two-fold compared with people who never smoke. Many hazardous chemical substances carried in the bloodstream and can generate atherosclerosis process, your coronary arteries will damage slowly.

How to change it: The only way is to stop smoking. Quitting smoking is difficult but it will make your heart healthier and lower your risk of heart disease immediately.

Heart disease even heart attack can appear suddenly. The fact that the disease came slowly through the bad habit that you have been doing in a long time. Knowing your bad habits and change it immediately will help to reduce the risk of heart attack.

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